Hey there,
Thank you for considering FORTHE as a home for your work.
We strive to always maintain a horizontal editorial process with a diverse collective of editors who appreciate a wide range of voices, styles, and subject matters.
We consider everything we publish to be a democratic and collaborative effort, and we pride ourselves on having multiple sets of eyes and perspectives on all our work during the editorial process.
We’re most interested in personal perspectives from real folks in our city, along with genre-bending work and unique art projects. We also have an insatiable itch for collaboration; so we’re here to work with you if that’s what you need.
You can find further details for various submission categories under the relevant tabs.
By submitting your work, you grant FORTHE first print and electronic publication rights and guarantee that the submission is your own, original work. All rights return to the creator after publication.
If you publish your work again at a later date, we request that you include a notice of the first printing appearing in FORTHE.
Before submitting anything, please refer to our Style Guide.

- Image files must be at least 300 dpi, included as an attachment in your email.
- For videos, please upload to YouTube or Vimeo and provide a text file with the link.
- Please limit submissions that are serial in nature (i.e. photo essays) to five files.
Send all visual art submissions and queries to
Also please reach out to the same address if you are interested in our Instagram takeover.
- We accept music, food, and art writing, including but not limited to reviews and interviews. Keep it local.
- Maximum of 1,500 words. (If you have more and feel strong about it, talk to us!)
- Always include at least one visual element to accompany your piece, even if it’s just a high-quality image of album cover art, etc. The more creative, however, the better.
- All relevant files for your submission should be sent as email attachments.
- Before submitting anything, please refer to our Style Guide.
Shoot us a proposal or a finished piece at
- Poetry, essays, short stories, micro-fiction, and novel excerpts.
- If you have something amazing but lengthy and are willing to serialize it with us, we’re suuuuuper interested. Let’s talk.
- If you’re thinking of sending us a review of a book or collection, etc., see our Culture tab above.
All other lit related magic can be sent to our team at
If you want to participate in Poetry Backstage, shoot us an email at the same address.
- Activists, community advocates, or concerned residents: We accept op-eds, think pieces, and columns concerning Long Beach political or social issues. We prefer pieces that pull at new threads, share new insights, or present a different narrative.
- Avoid cynical, cruel, and unnecessarily snarky writing.
- While anecdotes can be illuminating, they are not enough. Please support all assertions made in your piece with facts and sources.
- Always include at least one visual element with your article. Send it in the same email as a separate attachment.
- Before submitting anything, please refer to our Style Guide.
Send us your best as an email attachment to
- We’re interested in pitches, leads, and ready-to-publish stories. Just make sure it has a Long Beach connection (and also a bit of bite).
- All textual journalism pieces must be accompanied by at least one visual component.
Finished articles should be sent as an attachment to
Pitches can simply be emailed to the same address.
We accept collaborations of any and all of the above categories (and more not listed). If you are working on a collaborative project that you think is perfect for our vision, shoot us an email at
And lastly, we’re also interested in collaborating with you! So don’t be shy!