“Every Album Was a Gift From God”
Local trumpeter Dave Williams pays homage to Miles Davis on what would have been his 94th Birthday
3 minute readFrom the editors: We are reprinting the words that Long Beach musician Dave Williams posted to Facebook to commemorate Miles Davis on what would have been his 94th birthday today.
Fun Fact: I was late to Sir Miles Dewey Davis III.
Of course, I thought that the trumpet was the baddest thing. Whatever for basketball, football, and baseball.
Still shy with girls, I was an introvert with a handful of friends…and a trumpet.
Jazz musicians LOOKED cool, and they were most often REALLY Hip Black Men.
Man, I liked that. A Jazz Musician was everything that I wanted to be…
And, their whole STEEZE was as cold blooded as some of the dope rappers that I was starting to admire…
Cool. Confident. Sharp. Intelligent. No Shit Taken.
It’s all “It’s Cool, Baby!”…
The Black Studies books that I was starting to read intensified my feelings…
I don’t know when the exact moment was, but I became obsessed with this uncompromising person…
Everything that I wasn’t…
Miles was a nice quiet boy, shy and good looking, a Middle Child, his affections split between parents whose marriage was falling apart…
Dewey got a trumpet because his mother wanted him to play the Violin….
His first teacher was his daddy’s drinking buddy, who’d rap his knuckles when he’d fuck up “No, Young Davis”…
The look in his eyes when he watched musicians was the same look of wonder that I’d have in my eyes…
I saw Miles Davis, and Batman looked back at me.
I heard his HORN, and wondered where those fucking notes were on MY horn.
Consciously or unconsciously, I practiced that sound…

Tomisin Oluwole
Face the Music, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 36 inches
Click here to check out our interview with Tomisin Oluwole, a literary and visual artist based in Long Beach.
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Every album was a damned GIFT from God.
He stayed Cutting Edge and HIP the whole damn time he was here..
If you listen to Miles from his FIRST recording to his LAST, it makes Linear, Logical SENSE.
I didn’t know how to dress Hip. Miles dressed Hip, cause somebody taught him to…
Miles would borrow a Musical Score from a Badass, and STUDY IT.
He learned from the Best (Clark Terry) and the Worst Worst Best (Charlie Parker), the Insane (Thelonius Monk, Bud Powell), the gregarious and brilliant (Dizzy Gillespie), the Cool Nerd (Gil Evans)…
Miles learned to BOX.
The guy lived about 500 years.
He’s a Guru. A Philosopher.
And, he had the Greatest Musical Ears.
To keep his Individuality, he passed on an invite from Duke Ellington…
He mentored many a Bad Motherfucker.
I absolutely can’t really think of playing Music without thinking of Miles Davis…
But, as much as his MUSIC hit me, his PERSONALITY was a “motherfucker” as he would say…
This dude wasn’t fucking having it! The Bullshit.
This guy PUSHED Music, and got rich. That’s amazing.
Adventure with Logic and a Sense of Exploration that STAYED HIP, instead of some gobbly gook that you ain’t wanna listen twice to…
The man could ABSORB disparate influences and have them all come back out as His Thang.
Hail to The Chief.