What is your background and how does it inform your decision to run for mayor?
I am a substitute teacher, a former accountant, a former Christian Minister, and have several years working in nonprofits. I have dedicated my life to serving others and the role of a mayor is that of a public servant to serve everyone, including those who do not vote. Our government should reflect those interests and pursue the needs of every city resident, not just those who vote.
Most major cities in the state have “strong mayor” forms of government wherein the mayor is also the city’s chief executive, including San Diego, Los Angeles, Fresno, Oakland, and San Francisco. What are your thoughts on Long Beach adopting the strong mayor model?
I do not consider the position of mayor a weak one. However, I fear that too much power in the wrong hands could be disastrous. It is important to maintain a balance of power. In the end, the venture of our government should be to meet the needs of the people.
Emergency funds from the federal government were critical in starting, sustaining, and even expanding critical social programs during the height of the pandemic, such as language access and mental health services for Black residents. How do you propose that the city maintain these services when the emergency funds expire?
Reallocation of funds and prioritizing the needs of the people must take place. Our current city budget favors policing at the expense of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) communities. Together we can implement a People’s Budget.
If elected, you would be granted the opportunity to put forth a list of mayoral budget recommendations each fiscal year. List some of the budget priorities that you would recommend during your first budget cycle as mayor?
Housing subsidies, community land trusts, affordable housing, mental health services, rehabilitation centers, reintegration services, educational grants/scholarships.
Homelessness is an increasing health and safety problem in Long Beach. Tell us about an approach, policy, or program that has been successfully implemented in another city to reduce homelessness that you would like to introduce in Long Beach.
I believe housing is a human right, therefore, my government will not contribute to this issue. We will implement rent control, raise the minimum wage on an annual basis to match inflation and cost of living, eviction moratorium, and subsidized housing. Finland did it, why not us?
In what City Council district(s) would you like to see the permanent supportive housing units needed to house homeless people in Long Beach? Please check all that apply.
District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 6, District 7, District 8, District 9.
The state is requiring Long Beach to create over 11,000 housing units priced for low-income residents by 2029. Inclusionary zoning, one of the city’s most recent efforts to produce more income-restricted housing, “can be expected to fulfill only a small portion of the unmet need for affordable housing in Long Beach,” according to a city memo. What other mechanisms do you support for creating affordable units?
Housing subsidies. Create pre-approved ADU (accessory dwelling unit) plans and expedite build requests. Invest in community land trusts to create the needed housing and greenspaces at affordable rates.
Do you believe that housing is a human right?
According to county data, accidental overdose deaths have spiked over the pandemic, especially in Long Beach. Harm reduction has become a key public health intervention in preventing overdose deaths and cities like New York and San Francisco have opened safe consumption sites to address the problem. Should Long Beach open a safe consumption site?
How would you use the platform of the mayor’s office to increase voter turnout in Long Beach?
Engage the community and educate our youth about the importance of voting. The role they play in our city is vital to the health of municipal government. Create youth programs to further the education of government. Of the 14 years our kids spend in school, only three months are dedicated to learning about government (only federal not local) and economics. We can do better!
Should Long Beach increase public funding of the arts?
As part of a plan for all new buildings to have net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, the Los Angeles City Council is considering a proposal to bar all new commercial and residential construction projects from including gas line hookups in favor of all-electric appliances. Would you support a similar undertaking in Long Beach?
Have you taken campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry and, if so, do you plan to continue?
A city-hired consultant recently recommended changes to the Citizen Police Complaint Commission that would create an inspector general position to investigate the LBPD. However, the inspector general could only investigate police shootings, in-custody deaths, and complaints against command staff with the approval of the City Manager. Past commissioners and community members have argued that the CPCC’s current subordination to the City Manager has rendered it toothless. Would you be in favor of an Inspector General position with the unfettered authority to investigate officer misconduct and use-of-force?
The city’s Technology and Innovation Commission recently issued a full-throated recommendation to put a citywide moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology until privacy and civil rights safeguards are put in place. Do you agree with this recommendation?
What do you believe to be the root cause of crime and what evidence do you have to support your answer?
Poverty and desperation. Source: LIFE. I used to be homeless, I grew up in the hood, my parents worked more than two jobs and we barely had enough to get by. I lived it and I know many people in our city live it too.
Have you taken campaign donations from the Long Beach Police Officers Association and, if so, do you plan to continue?
Fare collections accounted for 12-15% of Long Beach Transit’s operating revenue pre- pandemic, totaling roughly $14.8 million. As mayor, you’ll be able to appoint members to LBT’s Board of Directors. Would you support LBT transitioning towards a fare-free transit system?
The city of West Hollywood permits cannabis consumption lounges where adult patrons can smoke and consume cannabis products, opening to great fanfare. What are your thoughts on Long Beach allowing cannabis consumption lounges?
I support it and BIPOC communities must be given a fair share at this opportunity. DECRIMINALIZE and remove from schedule one, expunge the records, allow these people to live normal lives!
What, if any, reforms would you support to limit the influence of big money special interests in local elections?
I will legislate an end to all special interest contributions. Any councilmember or mayor found in violation will be removed from their position and barred from running or holding any position in city government ever again! Big money influencing our city has been disastrous and should stop immediately.