Long Beach City Auditor Candidate Questionnaire 2022
by Kevin Flores and Joe Brizzolara | Published June 6, 2022 in Journalism
26 minute readWhat’s a City Auditor?
The City Auditor is Long Beach’s designated financial and operational watchdog. The auditor has the authority to conduct performance and financial audits of city departments, boards, commissions, and offices to improve performance, efficiency, and service. The City Auditor is also supposed to be vigilant for fraud, waste, and abuse within City Hall. Two things integral to the Office of the City Auditor: independence and transparency.
When’s the next election?
The election for Long Beach City Auditor will take place on June 7. There are only two candidates running meaning there will be no runoff: whoever gets the most votes wins. For information about how to vote, you can visit the City Clerk’s website and the state’s voter status portal.
Who’s running?
The city’s current City Auditor, Laura Doud, is running for re-election after first winning the seat in 2006. She is being opposed by Certified Public Accountant Dan Miles. Miles answered our questionnaire and Doud did not. We extend our thanks to the candidates who submitted answers.
Why a questionnaire?
Each election since our founding, FORTHE has committed itself to providing space for local candidates to introduce themselves and communicate their views on important topics to our readers. This election is no different. We sent our questionnaire to the 35 candidates running for local office. We crafted specific questions for each race based on our previous reporting and deep research into the issues affecting Long Beach, including the environment, public health, police accountability, and housing and homelessness. We also asked about each candidates’ campaign finances.
Below you’ll find our City Auditor questionnaire and abbreviated versions of ethe ach candidate’s answers. You can click on the excerpt to view the full answer. Please note that answers have been lightly edited for grammar and spelling.
Tell us about your background and how it informs your decision to run for City Auditor?

Dan Miles
I have been a CPA for over 35 years, with experience in auditing, accounting, and financial management ... While I have never sought public office before, I entered the race for City Auditor because I believe that after 16-years it is time for fresh eyes on our money.
Tell us about your background and how it informs your decision to run for City Auditor.

Dan Miles
I have been a CPA for over 35 years, with experience in auditing, accounting, and financial management ... While I have never sought public office before, I entered the race for City Auditor because I believe that after 16-years it is time for fresh eyes on our money.
How would explain the City Auditor’s role within the Long Beach city government to the average voter?

Dan Miles
Elected by the people, the City Auditor is the independent fiscal watchdog for the public. When limited public resources are wasted everyone suffers. Waste and abuse mean that there are less available tax dollars to spend on essential government services.
How would explain the City Auditor’s role within the Long Beach city government to the average voter?

Dan Miles
Elected by the people, the City Auditor is the independent fiscal watchdog for the public. When limited public resources are wasted everyone suffers. Waste and abuse mean that there are less available tax dollars to spend on essential government services.
Is there an audit or performance review completed during the incumbent’s tenure that you would have done differently? Explain.

Dan Miles
While there has been a measurable drop-off in the number of audits performed by the incumbent since 2015, one audit in particular stands out which I would have done differently – the Queen Mary.
Is there an audit or performance review completed during the incumbent’s tenure that you would have done differently? Explain.

Dan Miles
While there has been a measurable drop-off in the number of audits performed by the incumbent since 2015, one audit in particular stands out which I would have done differently – the Queen Mary.
If elected, what audit or performance review would be your biggest priority during your term and why?

Dan Miles
I believe that the Auditor’s focus should be on areas of high appropriation and spending, as well as on areas that have a large policy impact on life in Long Beach. An example is affordable housing ... It is vital that our housing programs are run efficiently, follow best practices, and that taxpayer money is not wasted.
If elected, what audit or performance review would be your biggest priority during your term and why?

Dan Miles
I believe that the Auditor’s focus should be on areas of high appropriation and spending, as well as on areas that have a large policy impact on life in Long Beach. An example is affordable housing ... It is vital that our housing programs are run efficiently, follow best practices, and that taxpayer money is not wasted.
A recent investigation found that the City Auditor's office failed to follow its own guidelines when overseeing two contracts with consultants that have paid out over $1.5 million since 2006. While the resulting report—issued by an outside auditing firm hired by the city—found that there was no “clear evidence of misappropriation,” a whistleblower report alleging misappropriation of funds is currently being reviewed by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. What is your response to these allegations?

Dan Miles
We now know that the City Auditor’s office paid two political consulting and lobbying firms, with whom Laura Doud has close personal ties, more than $1.5 million in fees over 15-years ... Mrs. Doud has yet to explain the services and work product these firms provided to the City of Long Beach.
A recent investigation found that the City Auditor's office failed to follow its own guidelines when overseeing two contracts with consultants that have paid out over $1.5 million since 2006. While the resulting report—issued by an outside auditing firm hired by the city—found that there was no “clear evidence of misappropriation,” a whistleblower report alleging misappropriation of funds is currently being reviewed by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. What is your response to these allegations?

Dan Miles
We now know that the City Auditor’s office paid two political consulting and lobbying firms, with whom Laura Doud has close personal ties, more than $1.5 million in fees over 15-years ... Mrs. Doud has yet to explain the services and work product these firms provided to the City of Long Beach.
Long Beach is one of only four cities in California with an elected auditor, while most others have appointed City Auditors. Should Long Beach's City Auditor continue to be an elected position and why?

Dan Miles
As an independently elected public official, the City Auditor is accountable directly to the people. As the public’s fiscal watchdog, the Auditor must have the trust of the people. Integrity. Transparency. Accountability.
Long Beach is one of only four cities in California with an elected auditor, while most others have appointed City Auditors. Should Long Beach's City Auditor continue to be an elected position and why?

Dan Miles
As an independently elected public official, the City Auditor is accountable directly to the people. As the public’s fiscal watchdog, the Auditor must have the trust of the people. Integrity. Transparency. Accountability.
How do you propose the auditor’s office improve its ability to detect waste, fraud, and abuse of public assets within Long Beach’s city government?

Dan Miles
As City Auditor, I will work to bring Open Checkbook to Long Beach in order to provide public access to data related to government spending, budgets, contracts, and revenue. That means every expenditure made by the city will be publicly available on the City Auditor’s website.
How do you propose the auditor’s office improve its ability to detect waste, fraud, and abuse of public assets within Long Beach’s city government?

Dan Miles
As City Auditor, I will work to bring Open Checkbook to Long Beach in order to provide public access to data related to government spending, budgets, contracts, and revenue. That means every expenditure made by the city will be publicly available on the City Auditor’s website.
What would you do to increase public awareness about the city’s current spending, potential areas of waste, and neglected areas of spending?

Dan Miles
An effective way to closely communicate with the people will be through the continuation of the “Porch Talks” I have utilized in the campaign.
What would you do to increase public awareness about the city’s current spending, potential areas of waste, and neglected areas of spending?

Dan Miles
An effective way to closely communicate with the people will be through the continuation of the “Porch Talks” I have utilized in the campaign.
The City Auditor’s office is designed to be independent from the rest of the city government. Do you see any opportunities to strengthen the office’s independence?

Dan Miles
It is important that the City Auditor maintain the trust of the people. This means being truly independent and accountable only to the voters. From the outset of this campaign, I have pledged not to accept political campaign contributions or endorsements from individuals or groups with direct interests before the city.
The City Auditor’s office is designed to be independent from the rest of the city government. Do you see any opportunities to strengthen the office’s independence?

Dan Miles
It is important that the City Auditor maintain the trust of the people. This means being truly independent and accountable only to the voters. From the outset of this campaign, I have pledged not to accept political campaign contributions or endorsements from individuals or groups with direct interests before the city.
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